Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Contact: Kelly Waterman
WOODVILLE, TX - Congressman Brian Babin (R-Woodville) has officially filed for re-election to seek a fourth term representing the 36th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
“There has never been a more important time for strong conservative leadership in Washington than now. The Democrat Party has been hijacked and co-opted by the most radical socialist fringe elements in American society. Along with their like-minded cohorts in the fake news industry, they have been working to undermine and destroy Donald Trump since the day he announced for President," said Babin. "If we don’t fight back against this ridiculous Schiff/Pelosi impeachment scam, re-take the House, strengthen our majority in the Senate, and deliver four more years for President Trump, we don’t have to guess what our country will look like -they’re showing us right now.”
“Our country’s economy and employment numbers are better than they’ve ever been, our military has been rebuilt after eight years of neglect by Obama, and Texas is leading the way among all its peers. But there’s so much more to do, especially finishing the border wall and providing much needed border security to stop illegal immigration. I also want to continue rebuilding our communities better and stronger than ever from Harvey and Imelda and keep NASA’s Johnson Space Center at the forefront of the next generation of space exploration. That’s why I’m asking my employers - the people of the 36th District – for a chance to be their voice in Washington for another two years. Except for a few years serving overseas in the military, Southeast Texas is where I have lived all my life. It’s where Roxanne and I raised our five kids who have blessed us with sixteen beautiful grandchildren. My Christian faith and my desire to leave this country a better place for them and all our children is what guides every decision I make in Congress,” Babin concluded.
Dr. Brian Babin, D.D.S., was first elected to the U.S. House in 2014. Born in Port Arthur and raised in Beaumont, Babin graduated from Lamar University and the University of Texas Dental Branch in Houston. After serving in both the Army National Guard and the Air Force, Babin and his wife Roxanne returned to Texas and opened a dental practice in Woodville, where he was one of the pioneering leaders of the local Republican Party and served as a councilman, school board member, and as mayor.
The Republican primary election will be held on March 3, 2020 and the general election on November 3, 2020, just under one year from now. In addition to the elections for every seat in the U.S. House and several key U.S. Senate races (including Senator John Cornyn’s seat), President Donald J. Trump will also be seeking a second term on the November ballot.